Training Camps

Our training camps allow GMs to focus their position players on one rating at a time. GMs are asked to submit, via the TeamManagement interface, which rating area they want to be trained. 

The simulation will then run a camp on that single rating area for that position. Improvement is solely based on the player's potential rating.

Just because your players will be focusing on one rating during training camp, it does not mean their other ratings will be neglected. Your coaching staff will spend %65 of the camp working the players on the areas of focus that you decide. Each of the other seven ratings will each receive %5 of the camp to allow the players to maintain their abilities in those ratings.

The deadline for submitting camps is 9pm on Tuesday of week one. However, camps will be run as soon as the front office has camp information from ALL teams.

Edit your team's camp criteria in your team's TeamManagement section.

Halfbacks and Fullbacks camp together.
Wide Receivers and Tight Ends camp together.
Centers, Guards, and Tackles camp together.
Kickers and Punters camp together.
Def. Ends and Def. Tackles camp together.
Cornerbacks and Safeties camp together.

Teams that fail to submit camp information will run a EN (endurance) camp for every position.

** As of the 2211 season the default training camp setting for all positions was changed from DI to EN **