Ravens Restored

How Thul Brought His Players to His Team
By "Cedric Rader"

Off-Season 2272 (Baltimore, MD) - 'You just had a feeling it wasn't going to last,' sighed the restored Ravens familiar GM Mark Thul. 'Green Bay just was never going to accept a Minnesota native leading their franchise, regardless of team success. I sort of knew that going in, so I prepared.'

In an unprecedented move as general manager of the Packers, Thul negotiated every contract to have a rider which stated that if Thul moved to a new franchise that lacked players, the Green Bay players and coaches could follow.

'I was up-front with all of them,' affirmed Thul. 'Most of the players were eager to leave the wasteland that is Wisconsin for a more diverse and metropolitan locale. A few didn't really care about location, but everyone agreed we should keep the group together.'

The USAFL's credit, they negotiated an arrangement where Green Bay would keep the rights to their team name should another team decide to relocate there.

'It's nice to be back where my career really took off,' stated Thul. 'Even better, I have all my friends and colleagues with me. As for Carl Gerbschmidt, I wish him well, but I also hope the Ravens make him rue his continued opposition. We did great things in Green Bay. I will remember the team success. I will now mock the culture from afar.'
